Wednesday, February 1, 2012

People I Don't Feel Sorry For

"Then must you speak Of one that loved not wisely but too well; Of one not easily jealous, but being wrought, Perplexed in the extreme." (V.ii.342-345)

1. Iago - Of course I don't feel sorry for him. He intentionally ruins people's lives. I understand that he's smart, but obviously not smart enough since his plan basically failed. Now he's just a murderer who's hated by all of Cyprus. Good work, Iago.

2. Othello - He begs to be remembered as one who simply loved too much. He did love Desdemona, but then he went crazy. Yes, he was being manipulated, but he didn't listen to anyone but Iago. Multiple people tried to tell Othello that Desdemona was faithful, but he refused to hear them. He also didn't inquire to anyone else about anything he was hearing. He was just as swayed by the rumors as Iago. He's not as bad as Iago by a long shot, but I still don't have sympathy for him.

3. Bianca - I don't really know what happens to her in the end, but the way she fawns over Cassio gets on my nerves. He obviously doesn't care about her, so she should stop. She has a reputation as a flousy (sp?), which didn't just happen by itself. Maybe she should straighten up and stop sleeping around, then maybe Cassio would love her.

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