Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In Comparison...

"...and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart." - pg. 35

That's not what happened! I've never seen any adaptation of Frankenstein, but I did know about the classic "It's alive!" line. Naturally, I was really disappointed by the fact that it didn't ever happen. It was actually quite the opposite. Frankenstein was ashamed and hid from the monster. He made himself physically ill with the thought of his creation. What I don't understand is where this film version of the creature's creation came from.  How did someone take Shelley's version of this story and twist it into something so different. I'm pretty sure the only thing the 2 stories have in common is a bolt of lightening. What a big detail to include...? I think this book is interesting because of all the insight from characters about what is going on, but I also think it would be more interesting with a mad scientist. But then again, I'm 18 and don't plan on writing anything nearly as famous as Frankenstein any time soon. 

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