Monday, April 30, 2012

Slaughterhouse Five - Climax

"Thus began the first corpse mine in Dresden." - pg. 214

I couldn't really tell where most of the plot points were in this story, simply because it's so jumbled and out of order. However, I believe the whole story builds up to this point. This is the worst of the worst when it came to the war and the bombing in Dresden. There were so many bodies they legitimately stopped retrieving them and began to just burn them. Billy Pilgrim spends the entire story avoiding Dresden and the death he'd seen, but it finally resurfaces when he travels back to that day. It's fitting that this climax is near the end, because it's the most grotesque image of the war thus far. I think Vonnegut concluded the novel shortly after the description of the corpse mine to really bring home the anti-war point. Billy was impacted for the rest of his life by that day, and we should all realize how senseless all of the death is after reading about it first hand. 

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