Friday, June 17, 2011

Awkward Bernard

"There was an awkward silence. Then pointedly she [Morgana] turned away and addressed herself to the more sporting man on her left." (page 79)

I sincerely wish I could find/invent a literary term for when certain phrases are so timeless that philosophical British men from the 1930's and teenage girls like myself both say it in daily life. What exactly am I referring to? 

Huxley may not have come right out and said the words awkward turtle, but I think that is exactly what he meant! Awkward silence, awkward turtle - same thing. Poor Bernard gets shut down by a girl with a unibrow; he just can't win. This is honestly the first time in this book I have laughed out loud. It's hard enough trying to read/comprehend/blog about/journal about the book without attempting to find wit or humor. I don't know if Huxley intended it to be humorous, but seriously - an entire part of chapter 5 is dedicated to how creepy and odd Morgana's prominent unibrow is. Even with her unibrow, she still rejects Bernard. That clearly just furthers his feeling of being an "unatoned" outsider. I'm really hoping that Bernard turns into a wonderful, accepted, loved, hero by the end of this book. I think I've seen too many Disney movies...

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