Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I felt a Funeral, in my Brain

"And then a Plank in Reason, broke, And I dropped down, and down" - Emily Dickinson

I interpreted this poem as and extended metaphor. I think it clearly shows the stages of a funeral, but not how I'd expect. It begins with the mourners getting seating and the service beginning, then the casket is carried out, and finally it is lowered into the ground. All of this happens without any mention of sight. This poem relies heavily on sound words, which leads me to believe that it's not really physically happening. I believe the speaker is internally conflicted to the point where they are literally going insane. They are not imagining their own physical funeral, but instead the death of their sanity and reason. The quote I began this blog entry with is the final breaking point in the speaker's mind. After he/she was "buried" there was no way to regain what had been lost. I think the title of the poem is the first indicator that this funeral is internal; it clearly states "in my Brain". 

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