Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How I Met My Husband - Suspense

"So I said yes, and I went out with him for two years and he asked me to marry him, and we were engaged a year more while I got my things together, and then we did marry."- Edie Carmichael 

This story builds on the fact that you don't know who Alice marries. The whole story seems like she is being sort of courted - although I thought it was kind of creepy and pedophile-y - by Chris Watters. Then the suspense of whether or not he would write began to build. I didn't think he would, but I was waiting to be proved wrong. I wasn't. Then this other man comes in to the picture and all of the sudden the long, drawn out explanations are gone. It happens quickly without any real suspense. The story thrives on the suspense of the relationships present, but then it abruptly ends. Edie describes the whole Chris incident very detailed, as if it were a very important moment in her life. Yet when she talks about her marriage, she tells it nonchalantly. This leads me to believe she isn't too enthralled with married life, or her husband. I think she was still hung up on Chris.

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