Friday, July 8, 2011

Overall reaction

"Anywhere. I don't care. So long as I can be alone." (pg. 243)

The ending of this book made me both happy and sad. I was happy that John finally escaped the torment of everything in the World State and all of the terrible citizens, but knowing that he had to commit suicide to do that is very depressing. Never once during this book did I guess this was going to be how it ended. I didn't think John would've played such a large role in the plot. I thought it would a happy ending where everything works out, but I was very wrong. I'm not going to say that I loved this book or that it was my favorite, because I can think of multiple books that I absolutely can't stand (Jacob Have I Loved, for example). I enjoyed parts of this book, but it was mainly very new and odd to me. I had to reread lots of things and some still didn't make much sense. Overall, I think the book was good, but very very different than anything I have ever read. 

1 comment:

  1. Grace, glad to see you pushed through the oddity this book offers, and wrote some solid analysis. Be sure, as you read Never Let Me Go, to look for connections between the two.
