Friday, August 12, 2011

Final Reaction

"I lost Ruth, then I lost Tommy, but I won't lose my memories of them." - pg. 286

I figured you can listen to this song while you read my blog.

First I'm going to attempt to answer all of the questions I had at the beginning of the book.
1. What is a carer, recovery center, and donor (in relation to the book). The carers take care of the donors at the recovery center. That was common sense, I don't know why I didn't know.
2. What is so important about creativity in this society? It proved that they had souls.
3. Is Hailsham simply a school, or is it more than that? It's more. It's a place that basically raised clones that would be used for donation of organs.
4. Does Tommy have something wrong with him other than the fact that he doesn't have to be creative if he doesn't want to? No. Tommy is awesome.
5. Did Kathy realize there was something strange about their school, kind of how Bernard realized there was something strange about the World State in Brave New World? Yes and no. She knew more than some people, but she didn't have everything figured out. No one did.
6. What do they have against last names? They're not really coming from a family, so I think the last initial is just kind of there.

Now to my reaction. I genuinely like this book a lot! It had more of an actual, relatable plot to it than Brave New World. I also really enjoyed that it was a love story. I'm just all around happy with this book. The ending was somewhat sad, but most good books are sad at times. It makes it so much better!


  1. 4. Does Tommy have something wrong with him other than the fact that he doesn't have to be creative if he doesn't want to? No. Tommy is awesome.

    i had a similar realization :D
