Friday, August 12, 2011

Kathy the Protagonist and... Miss Emily?!

"But now she was there in front of me, most of what I'd prepared seemed either unnecessary or completely wrong." - pg. 252

I needed to blog about one more literary term, so I'll briefly discuss how Kathy is the clear protagonist in this novel. She is the driving force behind everything that happens. Whether it is a quarrel with Ruth, an in depth talk with Tommy, or just standing up for someone at Hailsham, Kathy is the center of this entire novel. She even keeps Tommy in line when they go to visit Madame in this chapter. Ishiguro's writing leading up to the end of chapter 21 is incredible. I was trying to read and comprehend so quickly so I could figure out what was going on. I practically felt like I was sitting in a dark room with that nagging feeling that someone is watching me. I am still in shock a little that Miss Emily is the one in the shadows. I have no idea why she's there, but I don't think it's good, because Madame seems to feel awful for whatever is going to unfold. 

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