Monday, August 8, 2011

Lots of Connections

"You were brought into the world for a purpose, and your futures, all of them, have been decided." - p. 81

So the purpose of these kids lives is simply to donate their vital organs. I don't think it's a half bad idea, except for the fact that it totally takes advantage of letting people respectable human lives. This chapter brought about many connections to Brave New World. They both discuss technological advances that our society has developed, but they are taken to an extreme. The mass cloning if Brave New World is similar to the mass organ donation in Never Let Me Go. For the first time in Never Let Me Go, sex is discussed. It was a very popular discussion in Brave New World, and I think it will probably become more prominent in Never Let Me Go soon. The main difference I've seen is that the kids at Hailsham are taught that sex is a special thing to the outside world and they must treat it that way if they are ever to leave. In the world state, they had no consideration to how other cultures felt about things. They were ignorant to the point of being slightly unintelligent. The last similarity I noticed was that certain people in both communities are very educated about the outside world, but they don't like to share that fact. The Director knew all about the savage reservation, but that was not something to brag about. Miss Lucy seems to know things that no one else does, but she is also troubled by something. I think it  has something to do with the world beyond Hailsham, but I'm not sure what yet.

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