Monday, August 8, 2011


"There'd be little villages with streams going through them, white monuments on hillsides, old churches beside fields; if she was telling us about a coastal place, there'd be beaches crowded with people, cliffs with seagulls." - pg. 65

The imagery used here sounds absolutely beautiful! Too bad Kathy and her peers have never seen it for themselves. I'm assuming they're confined to the countryside in England where the school was built. Kathy says that she's traveled throughout different counties as a carer, but I don't know exactly what that means. She seemed to be a little more knowledgeable about the outside world than some others as a child.

I'm also very curious about Norfolk. It seems so secretive and I think there may be something more there. Apparently lost things end up in Norfolk? And Kathy has been there? I'm a little confused, but I'm sure it'll clear up soon.

Just in case anyone was wondering (because I know I was), this is what the Norfolk coast looks like.

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